News from up North

Friday, May 18, 2007


OK so since the madness of last week I have been to spend some time on my actual research - but fat chance of that! Between getting my marking done, sending off my external marking, admin stuff, my annual research report (yes I thought it's a bit early but who am I to argue) meetings, and random interruptions ....I can't get on with anything else. This is a bit annoying as in 3 weeks time I have to give a 2 hour presentation at York Uni (which is a proper grown up Uni so I can't bullshit my way through it!) then 4 weeks after that I am in Gothenburg - yikes!

On a brighter note I am home next week to attend my mate Andrew's wedding. Yes I will be there and also wearing a dress which is a scary thought. It's his second wedding, I also went to the first one back in 1992 ..... he vowed that he was never going to do it again ...he lied!
Not much chance of me making the same mistake as I really am totally off relationships ...full stop! I saw JP today and he irritated me so much I just know I have made the right decision to bin him..... after spending 2 hours on Monday explaining why we split up.... I had to go through the whole thing again for another 2 hours enough is enough!

Rant over!


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