Da Iawn!

Anyhoooo back to some news, quite a bit has happened since I last wrote including a trip home for a few days. The highlights of the trip included my Niece Tazmins 7th birthday ... she loved her knitted purse, but I think we all enjoyed her magnetic dart board more :) memories of 'Bullseye' came flooding back.
On the Monday I took her to see the X Factor concert, which was fab. As we arrived we were met with droves of dodgy looking people with Asda shopping trolleys selling pink cowboy hats, bunny ears and sparkly wands. After some contemplation, Taz chose a heart shaped wavy stick with fibre optic strands out of the top which all changed colour - good call! I chose two sparkly wands for the 2 kids at home (who A. Dawn had promised a present) but of course I waved about frantically throughout the show.
The best of the bunch were Eton Road and Ray - the latter is a born entertainer and thrilled the crowd with every pelvic thrust! I am converted to the Ray Religion and have his album on order. I am now looking for a willing volunteer to come and see him with me in October in Manchester - will be canvassing for potential concert goers in work next week.
Talking of work - things are going a bit better - I have received feedback from my registration document/ presentation and i is all good (so far). The best news is I don't have to do a Mphil stage and they have moved me straight into PhD (which is good) and also I get a bursary increase of £300 in September :)
The whole problem with a PhD is the isolation of it. With my BA and MA you have a lot of people around you to bounce ideas off or just generally moan to ... I have found this hard so far as you are on your own. full stop. but I am finally getting my head around the enormity of it all - and it's only taken 6 months!
OK so I need to whinge now..... the Eurovision entry for the UK this yea is CRAP! the show last night in which they picked it was the biggest shambles ever. It culminated with Mr Wogan announcing the wrong winner! While Terry can get away with his "Irish charm" on the radio or in the commentary box ....I'm afraid his 'live' TV days are over - he didn't have a clue what was going on....even after offering to rub goose grease in Fearne Cotton's breasts - he didn't realise what he had said - he didn't even feel the burning heat from Fearne's red face! I felt so strongly that I wrote an e-mail to the BBC (Annoyed from Huddersfield) I will share their response with you ...when I get it!
So my plan for today is to brave the storm and get a newspaper, then face my ironing mountain - particular care will be given to my Welsh shirt which will be worn tomorrow to work with pride! I have been getting a lot of flack from my English colleagues about the Welsh team's performance of late - so I will take great pleasure in rubbing their noses in it tomorrow. I am teaching my Conversation Analysis 2nd years in the morning - perhaps I could get hold of a transcript of the commentary from the game yesterday for us to 'analyse'? ...just a thought ;)
So I thought a rugby quote would be appropriate.... I'm afraid it's a long one but it's worth it!
"Look what these bastards have done to Wales. They've taken our coal, our water, our steel. They buy our houses and only live in them for a fortnight every twelve months. What have they given us? Absolutely nothing. We've been exploited, raped, controlled and punished by the English - and that's who you are playing this afternoon."
- Phil Bennett, pre-game pep talk before facing England
Thanks for the racist Phil Bennett quote, but the one individual who gained the most out of exploiting the resources of Wales was the Marquis of Bute, and he was a Scot.
Matthew, at 8:28 am
Yeah but the Scots are allowed to exploit the Welsh as they are fellow Celts .... it's just the English ....just because you are one of 'them' and not in my gang...no need to sulk ;)
DawnyLiz, at 9:24 am
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