News from up North

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Good news ....weird bad news!

Congratulations Anne-Marie on your news! News which I can't say anything about as it's top secret.... and doesn't involve the pitter patter of tiny feet..unless it's kitty feet? Thought this pic was appropriate even though it's hard to think about cats...but I must be strong and move on.... Anyway when I know I can talk about the news I will..... I doubt if anyone in Louisiana will read my blog..but you never know! Anyway I am very proud if you mate, as Brucie would say "didn't she do well" (ask Eamonn!)

So that's the good news ... more good news... The Shahwan's are doing well with new baby Logan, which I think is the coolest name ever! Photo's have been exchanged, but I didn't think it appropriate to publish them on here without parental consent...but take my word for it reader...he's bloody gorgeous! I have already lined up my niece as his future wife, as I think they would produce beautiful children together ... I see no problem in planning ahead!

Weird news..... I didn't broadcast this too widely ... actually only Sharron, Amerie and my sister knew ...but I got asked out on a date on Saturday! ... I'll just wait for a few moments while you get back up off the floor....

Up yet?..... nope?....

OK now?......I'll continue....

I met a guy in an art exhibition in my local library ...he's an artist (spookily enough) ... cutting a long story short (yes I've had complaints my blog is too long!) he asked me out for a drink which was supposed to be tonight, but I postponed until what's so weird? I hear to ask ...

Well.....this guy seemed quite normal for his age, as in divorced with baggage (or buggage as my sister called it tonight which I think is a fab new word) but on Saturday night I had 10 e-mails...followed on Sunday by a 2 hour phone call.....followed yesterday by another phone call and today by 2 texts (!).

Now I personally agree with using all forms of communication to the max...but don't you agree that this was a bit "full on?" Within the framework of this influx of messages were the following comments ...

"I've told my friends all about you I can't wait for you to meet them" (scary)

"If we had moved further down the line I could pop over and help you with your work" (scarier)

"Maybe we could go on holiday together" (scariest - bail out time!)

So my dilemma was: do I meet him on Thursday for a drink then ring him on Friday to say, I don't think so....but then he might think it's because he has BO or bad teeth?
Do I ring him tonight, tell him it's not him , it's me...I am too busy to have a "relationship" right now etc and so forth.

In times of a dilemma...always phone a I rang Claire....cos she's the only one who answered (only joking mate you are always my first port of call in a crisis!) I told Claire the whole story, we deliberated, procrastinated and various other words I can't spell with "ated" at the end...and her advise was..."He sounds weird...bin him" ... so that's what I did.

He took it OK...but did the we can still be friends and I will still e-mail you thing which is not a great result, as I have enough friends to e-mail / call ..... but I am glad to say that I watched the Yorkshire news tonight and there were not any bodies washed up in the canal, so I think he's OK.

So this experience has made me reconsider the whole relationship thing. Those of you who know me well will recall that I have spent many years a singleton, trawling the internet for a "real live one" ... but have yet to meet Mr Right- but do I really want to go out with just anyone or am I being totally unrealistic in waiting for thunder bolt time? I have decided to give it all a bit of a rest and concentrate on my new life in Hudds ... after all you never know who's on the next barge down d'canal!

So I will end here with very appropriate quote for today, which refers not only to relationships ...but is also dedicated to Anne-Marie for reasons which I can't say...but now everyone will really get suspicious! Enjoy...

"If you really like a girl and she says "I love you like a brother", suggest a weekend in Norfolk - unless you are from Norfolk in which case you probably are her brother"
- Jimmy Carr


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