News from up North

Friday, October 20, 2006

If you want a job done properly...etc and so forth

Hello reader, well today's story is about a not so little girl who went to live in a big town called Huddersfield. She had a job in a University and was told that she would have research office ..... this was a big porky pie boys and what she she did get was a storage room full of cardboard boxes, white boards and bubble the not so little girl moved into her office anyway, had to beg for a key to lock the door, clear out loads of rubbish in order to get to a desk and has jumped up and down and made some noise in order to get a computer .....rah! She is now in a sort of half done working environment which will hopefully be completed next week.

The moral of this story? When you are promised something and it doesn't materialise, don't just sit back and wait for it to happen.....make noise and things will change!

The above picture is not my actual office but it is pretty close to what it looked I am a self confessed organisational clean freak...this was not good...and didn't help the IBS!

Well the weekend is here...and Dawny has a deadline which is I will be buried in my CA books for the next 48 hrs :( but hey it's only another 2000 words to write...which for a woman of my last minute capabilities is not a problem...well not usually anyway! I think at the moment I feel under a bit of pressure to present something "academically credible"...which is silly really as it hasn't bothered me in the past! but hey ho ...we'll have to see what happens....

Still waiting for news from the impending launch of baby Shahwan.....but have resisted ringing Lynda, the mother in question, as I have learnt from my Sister's experiences that the "Any News?" question is NOT welcome when you are overdue! so I will wait with anticipation for the "text of joy" which I hope to receive soon.......?

So how to end today? Well we have covered the issue of my office not being ready and also the lateness of baby I thought a quotation on punctuality would be appropriate......

"I always arrive late in the office, but I makeup for it by leaving early"
- Charles Lamb


  • WiFi is great when you've found that PicaPica opposite gives free refills (of coffee) and you can sit looking like a geek in the corner.
    It's the end of the world outside, torrential rain, gusty wind but have to trek over to Penarth soon to make the dinner (write sap on my forehead) still may get a helicopter pilot as thanks (see earlier in blog)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:16 pm  

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