News from up North

Saturday, October 28, 2006

York and melancholy....

Well apologies folks for the lack of postings this week, but a/ I have been very busy b/ I wrote a huge blog on Thursday which got zapped (not happy!) and c/ for the last 2 days I have had some sort of lurgy which has affected the brain cells ... so now I am feeling better I am back on track.
Unfortunately I can't be bothered to write the whole story again from Wednesday's trip to York, so here are just the highlights...

I travelled by train to York via Leeds as I had to attend a seminar at the University which is on the outskirts of town. I arrived an hour early as I wanted to vist Yorkminster Cathedral which was fab! I only managed to have a look around for half an hour but I plan to go back again for a longer trip. I have taken some photos, which are on here today, unfortunately they don't convey the size of the building which was huge...but it was tricky to get it all to on...
....the town itself is very old and the River Ouze (which I think is a fab name) runs through it. It's definitely somewhere that I'd like to live ... as it reminds me of... me...old but classy!

The train journey to and from York was the most interesting....on the way there a young mum sat on the train across from where I was sitting with a very young baby, almost a newborn in her left arm. From nowhere she produced a bottle (thank God it wasn't one of her 40HH mammories.....much to my relief and the guy opposite's disappointment) which she fed the baby using just the left arm in which she was holding the baby .... in her right hand she stuffed a big bag of prawn crackers and downed a can of Strongbow (classy!) only shortly to be followed by a Mega bag of pickled onion Monster Munch....all at the same time! now that's what I call multi-tasking!

On the way home I was surrounded by 4 different people with Mp3 players, whose "private" musical taste (that's a laugh) ranged from Def Leppard to Justin Timberlake with a bit of Savage Garden thrown in. Lordy what can you do? I am a great lover of music but all of that racket going on at the same time really pi**ed me off!
I thought about it logically....maybe last week they all at some, stage sat on a train surrounded by the same level of noise and annoyance...their solution was to refer to that old chestnut...."if you can't beat 'um, join 'um" .

So I am returning to York next week..... and have just downloaded Duran Duran's Greatest Hits onto my MP3 ... so if I am going to pi** my surrounding passengers off least I will do it in style!

On a more melancholy note...... do you ever have dreams which when you wake up the next day you believe that they are real? Well this happened to me last night (as a result of eating too much Celtic cheese methinks).

I miss my cats.

Last night I dreamt that my cats escaped from the RSPCA and went to my old house in Trethomas, my Mum rang me and told me that she would look after Marble if I snuck Chloe into my flat in Huddersfield. I planned on taking the train back home and driving up here on Sunday with my beloved cat.
So when I woke up this morning for a few seconds I actually believed that I was going home today to get my cat back. It was really horrible when realisation dawned that I dreamt the whole thing. What would Freud make of it? well I think he'd establish that even though it's 33 days since I left them, I am still missing them like mad and still feel terribly guilty for leaving them behind.

Sorry for moaning but this blog is not just for the good stuff.

Also, I signed the contracts for my house sale yesterday which is due to complete next week. I think my mood is as such, due to the fact that another chapter in my life is officially about to close. As with everything in life, talking is one thing....and as I have found out lately.... doing is another. So I will close with a quote about cats....

"A cat's got her own opinion of human beings. She don't say much, but you can tell enough to make you anxious not to hear the whole of it" - Jerome K. Jerome


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