News from up North

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Holidays and Babies....

Well I haven't managed to write anything for a couple of days as I had an assignment supervisor gave me 3 weeks to complete my first piece of work, but as per usual it was a night before 4000 words scramble....not good really as I was hoping to turn over a new leaf. Ah well never mind ... I will get feedback on Thursday so I'll let you know how I get on.
I spoke at length with Brady last night, for those of you who don't know who he is or what he looks like....I have supplied a photo which was taken on one of his infrequent visits to Caerphilly. He is a very good friend and provides me with support when all of this academic stuff gets too much...after all he is doing a PhD himself so he knows the score...anyway we were chatting about Africa, as he is from Sierra Leone and I began to realise how little travelling I have done. In fairness I have been lucky and visited Canada, America and Italy etc but why haven't I made more of an effort to travel?

Financial problems have definitely been a factor, especially post divorce and studying .....but I have decided definitely to make more of a effort. I really want to go to Africa one day and I will do this within the next 2's now in print so it's going to happen!

On happier news ...I have just heard that Baby Shahwan has arrived...hooray! Congratulations to both Lynda and Sharif and welcome to our world Logan Shahwan ...what a cool name!

I have calculated that this is my 35th child and personally I think I am doing quite well, although starting to wilt a bit of a break before the next one would be appreciated!

tomorrow I am off to York for a seminar, I haven't been there before so I hope to have a bit of time before my meeting to take some pics. Amerie has told me that there is a good yarn (UK translation = wool) shop there...but as I have yet to learn to knit it may be a wasted journey....but I have discovered a yarn stall in the local market in Hudds, so maybe the jolly lady behind the counter will give me some knitting lessons?
I used to have an Auntie called Celia ....well she wasn't my real was a title given out of respect for my elders...but she used to know where every fish and chip shop was in every town and city in the country...Amerie is the same with yarn shops...quite a talent!

I couldn't find a suitable quotation regarding childbirth I thought I would write a little ditty of my own to celebrate the new here it goes

So you have a new arrival, a little baby boy,
he will fill your life with pleasure, lasting pride and joy....
well that's what all the books say, but they don't quite say enough,
as they miss out all the bad bits when things start to get quite rough.
Waking up at 2am and then every other hour,
not letting you get on with things, like going for a shower,
Throwing up their breakfast, their lunch will swiftly follow,
but this is not a one off, as they'll do the same tomorrow!
Filling up their nappies when the old one's just been changed
your house looks like a war zone, your life is just deranged........
Even though all this sounds dodgy, there's one thing makes it worth while,
when he looks up with those big doe eyes and hits you with that smile...
all the hastle melts away and you'll forget the stress you've had,
cos now you are so special, you're his loving Mum and Dad.

I just know you will be such fabulous parents and I am really thrilled for you both.... D xxxx


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