News from up North

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Mad woman up North!

OK so things were all going too well..... yesterday I got a call that my soon to be ex-house has damp and my purchaser needs to get a specialist in...therefore more delays! we are already 3 weeks behind schedule and I am not a happy bunny :(
After many years inspecting houses myself, I know what damp smells like and my house, although not perfect, is not damp! Anyway, the specialist came today and confirmed what I had been saying...not a spot of damp to be found anywhere...quelle suprise!

My point of mentioning this is the annoyance of people who do certain things and don't realise the consequences. The "people" in question in this context are surveyors......the idiot who wrote on my purchaser's survey that there is a "high level of damp at the property" should be shot! or at least decapitated as without realising it they have 1) caused me a further delay in my house sale and 2)triggered my IBS to go into overdrive....thanks guys I'll be sending you the bill for the toilet rolls I've got through! (TMI?)

On a brighter note....I managed to get to the pub today :) after a seminar given by my supervisor. It's so much easier to talk to people over a pint than in Uni. One of the MA students Rachel is very friendly, also I managed to speak to Matt the other PhD student here who is "into" The Smiths and The Cult...hoorah a human life-form! :)
It was only after returning to my flat after a pint of God's Juice ...that I realised how many stairs there are for me to climb ...2 flights! Not good after a skin-full! (Note to self: after lots of beer sleep in the garden)

So I am starting to feel a bit more human today...the social butterfly was starting to wilt..but now my wings have started to flutter once more!

Well tomorrow I have decided to squat in the research office, the computer links have still not been set up and I have been working from home.....but as I am writing for the next 4 days and don't need internet access ...I can cope with just a desk and a chair. This way I will feel more integrated into the Uni rather than shut away in my bolt hole. If they see somebody is working in there this might give them the kick up the arse that's needed...well one can only hope!

Thanks for the call Janey, hope you enjoyed today's installment?

Sorry "Love Monkey" but I feel the need to end with another the theme is madness, so I found this little gem.... who needs medication when you can just get out the cook book!

"If you feel depressed or let down, my advice is to roast a chicken" - Delia Smith


  • 'decided to squat in the research office' Is that really a good idea when suffering from IBS?
    I'll think they'll get the message if you did that ;-)

    If you get depressed, my advice is to get stuck up a chicken - Matt the pervert.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:11 pm  

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