News from up North

Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday October 13th - Cheese crisis and M&M's

Well I've just spent nearly an hour on the phone to Kate (who has a proper job as a lecturer in Oxford..a true academic not a shandy one like me!) she has given me lots of helpful advise about my forthcoming 3 years all of which has been digested with thanks. The sad thing about it is that we were both stuck in watching Corrie on a Friday night and after mentioning I had a bag of M & M's Kate felt the need to go and get a bag.....Lordy the excitement of being single!

Other news today......OMG crisis at Sainsbury's! I went for my usual fix of cheese ...well actually I like to look at the Caerphilly cheese as it has a picture of the castle on the front which reminds me at home....unfortunately the store is currently under refurbishment and when I got there the cheese had been moved. When I found it the Caerphilly cheese was missing...yikes!!!
One of the shop assistants saw me in distress and asked if she could help me ....I pondered for a while and decided that I would feel a bit guilty asking for some Caerphilly cheese just so I could look at the label, as actually I don't like to eat the stuff! so I declined and came home with some Irish chedder which is ok 'cos it's from another Celtic country..... they seem to eat a lot of Double Gloucester up here which I personally think is like eating sweet fudge!

On the work front haven't got too much done today but the weekend is ahead and no doubt I will have a burst of inspiration soon! The joys of Conversation Analysis are calling me.......


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