News from up North

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Yarn frenzy!

Hot off the press ..... I have the knitting bug! After months admiring Anne-Marie's knitting skills I have taken the plunge and bought the "Art of Knitting" as advertised on TV. This fabulous purchase includes a 13 min DVD, 2 knitting needles and 2 balls of wool (aka yarn in the USA!). I spent 2 hours knitting a square last night which to me looks more like a rhombus - but hey it's a start!
The whole idea of the magazine is that each week they teach you to knit, but also include a different ball of wool to knit a square which when added to all of the other squares makes a pretty throw over. However, you need 90 squares to make the throw and at £3 for each magazine that's £270!!!! what an expensive throw! So I will be knitting squares, but with scraps of wool found at the end of unravelled jumpers and under sofas etc. I hope that this new form of therapy will give me something to do in my infrequent free time - also it will keep me out of the fridge and away from the sweetie counter!

My other major purchase is a smoothie maker - they are fab! All part of my healthy eating/ I need to shift/ re-locate 3 stones mission which I hope to document on my blog. If i spill the beans on my progress it may encourage me to keep it up - well that's the plan anyway!


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