News from up North

Monday, December 04, 2006

Crikey it's nearly Christmas!

Well hello blog junkies! I am presently in my little biddy office and I thought
I would attempt to catch up on my blog from here as I don't seem to get around to it
at home - I just hope it works!
Anyway last Friday I held a data session here for some visiting PhD students who are at
York Uni. It was a fab day - we got loads of work done, but I won't bore you with that bit. The three gals were Monika from Germany, Liina from Finland and Riina from Estonia. They were all lovely and chatty so we all got on well. After the "worky" bit we all went to the pub which was great as Dawny was starting to have withdrawal symptoms from "God's Juice"! Anyway, we are all meeting up again in January for another session, except for Riina who has to go home for good - boo hoo! She was very interesting to talk to as I hadn't met anybody before from the former Soviet Union - all I can say is - we have got it SO easy here, we mustn't grumble!

The weekend came and went - Lordy the weather was bad! I nearly got blown over on Sunday, which taking into account the size of my arse right now, was quite a feat!

I had an assignment to do over the weekend which should have been handed in today - but something happened to me that hasn't happened before - no I'm not talking about a dream date with a "normal" guy - no - I had complete writer's block :( I couldn't even string a sentence together - this was very scary! Those of you who have studied with me in the past are aware of my "night before" assignments which sort of turn out okish - well last weekend I couldn't even muster a paragraph - not good!

So I put together a scrappy essay plan and headed to see my supervisor today. Luckily she was very supportive and commented that my brain was in pre-Christmas shut down - which is quite true! We re-jigged it and she's given me a few days to put something together - phew! I must say that this PhD thing is all pretty tough - and I've only done 9 weeks! This is a scary thought as I have another 3 years to go!

Anyway I'd best get back to it! Ciao for now x


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