News from up North

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I've lost that festive feeling!

OK so it's December 5th - normally at this time of year I am so excited about Christmas I just pee my pants at the mention of anything related to Christmas (TMI?) Well I don't know what's going on this year, but try as I might I just can't get into the Christmas mood.
In order to speed things up a bit - I went to the Cancer Research shop and bought my Christmas cards today - and a sparkly snowman snow-globe caught my attention. As my decorations in the flat are spread around too thinly to share with my office - I thought having a bauble of this kind on my desk would help. Unfortunately, it didn't - it just distracted me from my work and now I am even further behind with my research, so stressing a bit more about a deadline and now I am even less festive than I was before! darn it!
Anyway I did have a very kind invitation from Amerie to attend the pantomime in Cardiff with her and her cousin in 2 weeks - it's Jack and the Beanstalk and I am so excited! I tried to recall when I last went to see one and I believe it was in 1975 in the Bedwas Workman's Hall - a very poor rendition of Cinderella - but at aged 6 it was magical! The best thing about it was we were all given a bar of chocolate on the bus on the way home which for a sweet toothed childlike me - was the best bit - Ah memories!
I haven't included a quote for a while - so here's one for Christmas:
"Christmas is a three day festival dedicated to the birth of Bing Crosby" - Willis Hall


  • Do you think you'll be going to the pantomime? Ann-Marie asked me as well and I'm thinking I'm going to go as I've never been to one.

    Also, and even more importantly, just take a deep breath and relax and know that you are an ass-kicking research and that you'll get the work done, no problem. (or dim problem if you will...)

    By Blogger Kate, at 1:41 pm  

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