News from up North

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I'm Back!

Well I'm back up North after enduring 4 hours of rain and squeaky windscreen wipers up the M4, M5 and M6. Due to the poor weather conditions, which meant that there was a lot of surface water and spray, there were loads of warning signs to advise motorists to slow down - unfortunately this did not apply to BMW drivers who obviously do not have to adhere to any driving warnings. (yeah right!) I was travelling in the middle lane doing 65 mph and following the flow of traffic, when this idiot starts flashing a me (with his lights not his private parts I hasten to add!). At first I thought there may be something wrong with my car, but then as he overtook me doing 80 mph+ he gestured at me to move over to the outside lane - cheeky mare! So I returned his gesture, but used two fingers instead of his one! He was just so damn reckless!

It is nice to be back in my own flat again - and after unpacking, washing, dealing with mail and sorting out my computer I fell asleep for 3 hours - but I am sure I will sleep again later as I need to catch up after a tiring 3 weeks.

You will be pleased to hear or maybe not so pleased to hear that I have had a new quote book for Christmas from Anna - so let's get cracking .....

No theme today so here's a random one to start with, which is also good advice!

"Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day" - Harry S. Truman


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