Diet time!

Well today is the day - I have started my new "healthy eating lifestyle" aka DIET. I managed to get my lardy arse on the weighing scales this morning and OMG it was bad! I did intend to name and shame myself on my blog and divulge my weight but it is SO bad and as I am mathematically challenged and therefore unable to work with large numbers, I have wimped out ..... but I will record my weight loss - so you can all share the joy of me loosing the pounds.
However, I will say that I need to loose 4 stones which is 56 lbs (for my American readers) which I think is the size of a small pony? Anyway it needs to be done.
The quote for today is remarkably apt - which makes me feel such a saddo!
"I'm at the age when food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, I've just had a mirror put over my kitchen table" - Rodney Dangerfield
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