News from up North

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm alive!

Hello random readers - I thought I'd best write something before you all think that I have shuffled off this mortal coil.
I am presently back in Wales ...well for another 24 hrs anyway. It's been the usual flurry of visiting, bar-meals and being woken up at a very early hour of the morning by my adorable nieces and nephew. However, it has helped to recharge the batteries and get to grips with a few random disturbing thoughts that have been bothering me of late.....
I won't bare my soul here as it would take too long, but I think a bit of insecurity and a lack of self belief has crept into Dawn's World lately and I have been re-evaluating my situation in Hudds. It is all very hard going at the moment, lots of important things going on, but I really just have to get on with it - after all what else can I do?

Since I arrived home a lot of people have congratulated me on the MA, but it seems so long ago I just laugh and say "Oh yeah that" ....which really is quite bad as getting an MA is no mean feat - especially when you have a Discourse and Social Interaction assignment to write in 8 hours!
Anyway, enough moaning ....... I visited my friends Aunt on Sunday who has only been able to leave her house on 2 occasions in the last year, she has no quality of life and is in constant pain. This visit helped to put things into perspective as I have a good life and I am grateful for what I have and have achieved (sorry a lot of have's used there)..... so Dawny needs to get a grip.

OK lets hope I can think of something a bit more lively to write in my next blog!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

No news, good news?

There has been a distinct lack of blog lately due to my sparse free time being taken up by knitting. On saying that I am sure that I have had some free time but I am not quite sure where it went.
How did everyone manage before computers, Internet, messenger, e-mail etc and so forth? I seem to be permanently on either a desktop or a laptop - what would I do with all of that spare time if my computers were taken away from me - I'd most probably fidget a lot and knit which is not a very exciting answer...anyway enough hypothetical babbling .....

I would love to write something really interesting at this point but my brain is fried and i can't think of I'll sign off.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


I feel I must apologise to all of my family and friends, cos for the last week I have been moaning on about my disappointing dissertation mark. It has been pointed out to me in no uncertain terms by my mate Lesley that I need to "shut the hell up" and be grateful that I've got an MA - and to remember that an MA is just a stepping stone on the long road of academia - so really it doesn't matter what mark I get and just MOVE ON! ......... point taken.

OK so other news.....ummm .....well as I am not allowed to whinge about work either .....oh yes I should mention that I went out last Saturday night with Laura "Posh Welsh" from Cowbridge who was staying in Harrowgate with her Mother - so as it's only one and a half hours away by train, we met up for dinner-which was great as we could celebrate our MA results together (see I am pleased really!). Anyway, the train journey went very quickly as I took my knitting (Amerie you'd be proud!). I must say that Harrowgate is very nice, posh but nice and it's another place on my list that I'd like to re-visit. The only problem with travelling on a train at night is that you can't see the train station names on the platform - so you spend most of the journey sat on the edge of your seat within close proximity of the door, ready to pounce .... this was particularly difficult for me as I was trying to juggle my handbag and knitting..without dropping a stitch!
This was fine on the way there but on the way back, I was a bit scared to get the knitting out as there were too many intoxicated people on the train and I thought my needles may be snatched and used as an offensive can't be too careful! Luckily for me the drunken banter between a gang of drunk guys and half naked drunk girls - who were all gagging for a drunken snog - was very entertaining!

So last night I went our for a couple of beers with the Lecturers from work in order to celebrate my MA, which was nice. Tomorrow I am meeting up with my mate Monika from York Uni after work for a bite to eat and more cider and black ....oh the social butterfly is back! :)

OK best go now the ironing awaits. Just wanted to add a quick congratulations to my fellow MA graduates - well done team! I can't wait for the graduation in July :) - also another congrats to Amerie and Laura for their new jobs .... I am very proud of you! and if either of you ever need a research assistant - Dr Dawn will be available in 3 years time!

So a joyful quote is in order......this one made me chuckle even if it's not p.c.!

"Two fat blokes in a pub, one says to the other "your round", The other one says, "So are you, you fat bastard". - Tommy Cooper